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Notice to Course Organisers, Tutors and Examiners – July 2013

Posted on 2nd August 2013

To maintain STA Awarding Body status all Course Organisers, Tutors and Examiners must comply with the following:

  1. All approved Course Organisers, Tutors and Examiners must fully support the quality assurance activities of the Qualification Regulator; STA will take the appropriate action against those Course Organisers, Tutors and Examiners whose actions leave the awarding body in a non-compliant position. This will initially be suspension of status until a full review has taken place and the Trustees have made a judgement. Possible outcomes are:
    • Return to full status
    • Re-training required
    • Suspension of status
    • Permanent exclusion
  2. All Course Organisers, Tutors and Examiners must be clear on the unacceptability of copying examination papers, and must identifying those who have done so and conduct checks to ensure that any examination activity has not been compromised through such activity. Under the Awarding Body External Verification role STA will be sampling course paperwork and examination papers and conducting spot checks through unannounced visits. Those suspected of copying examination papers may be suspended pending a full investigation and the Trustees have made a judgement. Possible outcomes are:
    • Return to full status
    • Re-training required
    • Suspension of status
    • Permanent exclusion
  3. Tutors and examiners delivering and assessing accredited qualifications have the necessary evidence of occupational competence available for review by the Auditor as part any centre monitoring activity.