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New Pool Emergency Responder Qualification Introduced to Meet Leisure Industry Needs

Posted on 27th April 2017

Following feedback from tutors, learners and employers regarding our lifesaving qualifications, we have introduced a new Pool Emergency Responder qualification to meet the needs of the leisure industry.

The Pool Emergency Responder qualification is aimed at small hotel-type pools where the risk assessment identifies that no direct poolside supervision is required. It may also be used for staff who are not pool lifeguard qualified but may support the lifeguard team.

The new course is split into three sections:

  • Section One – The Swimming Pool, Legislation and the Pool Emergency Responder
  • Section Two – Rescue Equipment and Swimming Pool Emergency Response
  • Section Three – First Aid Skills
STA lifesaving tutors will need to complete a free online up-skill before they can deliver the new qualification.

The up-skill contains information on the new training resources, including:

  • A new Pool Emergency Responder manual
  • Course presentation to assist the course delivery, with pictures and videos specifically taken for the Pool Emergency Responder that mirror the new manual

The resources will be available to download from STA Online following completion of the up-skill.

When you order the new manual, it will also include an additional first aid skills manual for Section Three – First Aid Skills.

Courses can be registered for the new Pool Emergency Responder. Courses for the old Pool Responder will not be registerable if they commence on or after 1st June 2017.

If you have any questions regarding the new Pool Emergency Responder qualification, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.