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Positive Response to New ATC Model

Posted on 18th September 2018

It has been two months since Safety Training Awards’ approved training centre (ATC) model came into effect, and the team are thrilled to see how tutors have embraced the changes and are already starting to see the real benefits. Lynn Goring-Crook MCIMSPA recently wrote to the centre management team to share her experiences.

“As an ATC with a busy schedule of STA courses we have had a lot of IQA feedback since 1st August, and I can already see the benefit it has had for our courses and how it’s going to work long term to raise standards—most importantly for the learners.

My ATC is benefiting massively from this; in improving their standards and how we look after our learners, from booking to certificate being issued. The feedback received from our IQA has helped our external assessors who I hope will take the feedback to not only improve my ATC, but to the other ATCs they work for.

We have already had one standardisation meeting between me and the IQA and we are planning a larger one for tutors and assessors in the new year, where we will be encouraging them to bring along members from their own ATC too, if they have one. We hope this will be a good day, full of learning and have a further knock on effect to raise standards across the board.

I know for those tutors who only run two or so courses a year it will take longer for things to fall into place, but I wanted to pass on the feedback from my point of view and encourage those not as active to be patient.

These new procedures are going to see a massive improvement in STA courses from the ground upwards and will mean the delivery of STA courses, which already have fantastic content and supporting resources, will be second to none. Ultimately, this will mean the swimming teachers we train will be better and the tutors who deliver and the ATCs they work for will be more sort after.”

Lynn Goring-Crook MCIMSPA

For further information on becoming an ATC with Safety Training Awards please click here.