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Training During Lockdown

Posted on 5th November 2020

With England now under strict lockdown rules until 2nd December, what does this mean for training providers operating in education and child-care settings, and in public-facing facilities? Claire Brisbourne, Director at Safety Training Awards has reviewed all the Government’s latest guidance in relation to this, and provides the following guidance for Approved Training Centres delivering STA qualifications.

Education & Childcare Settings

Under the Government’s latest guidance related to education and child-care setting, our qualifications are currently (as of 5th November) classed as “education” under the government guidelines, which means teaching, training and assessment can continue.

However, the purpose of the training should be determined by the approved training centre and / or the employer as to whether it is a necessity the training takes place, or whether it can be delayed until restrictions have been lifted.

For instance, a learner requiring a first aid at work qualification because they work in a school or nursery is essential for their work purposes and therefore, it is a necessity the training takes place.

Public Facing Facilities

Within the same Government guidance document, under the “public facing facilities” section, it states the following:

Public facing facilities that are used for the purposes of training, for example hair salons, restaurants and gyms, should no longer be open to members of the general public from 5th November, in line with the closure of these businesses in the wider community.

As the training required is for employees and not the general public, who would be going into their work premises, training can continue during lockdown as it is essential for staff to maintain their qualification ready for when facilities re-open again.

Even though training and assessment can continue, the governments in all areas of the country, are implementing restrictions to reduce the spread of the infection. With this in mind, please think about the following if a course or training is being delivered:

  • Social distancing needs to be maintained within the environment the training is being delivered
  • The theory elements of a course can be delivered via a digital platform to reduce the amount of face-to-face interaction between learners
  • PPE should be worn, including 3 ply masks (face coverings)
  • The amount of close contact working can be kept to a minimum but for assessment purposes, the learner must demonstrate competence, which for first aid and lifesaving (Pool Lifeguard, Pool Emergency Responder and Safety Award for Teachers qualifications) rescue breaths must be performed (appropriate PPE such as face shields or pocket masks used to mitigate the risks)
  • Detailed risk assessments must be in place and continually reviewed and updated
  • The environment the training is being delivered in is COVID secure

Please be advised that if any of the training and assessments being delivered are within a swimming pool, your local authority Environmental Health Officer (EHO) should be contacted to confirm it is acceptable.

Should you require any further information, please email