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Update – Training During Lockdown

Posted on 6th January 2021

Following confirmation from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), COVID-secure face-to-face training can continue through the lockdown where it’s sensibly and realistically needed to support an employer’s demand for meeting health and safety provision in a workplace*.

The position for delivering first aid training in devolved administrations is currently being sought by the HSE, due to their slightly different lockdown restrictions. Training can however continue where needed to support an employer’s health and safety demand, in line with existing COVID-secure guidelines, until they have received a response to their clarification.

Clarification is also being sought by the HSE in relation to the delivery of training to employers who are required to close during the lockdown (e.g., universities, leisure centres) who may still have a need to train first aiders so that they can open once lockdown restrictions are lifted.

We will continue to provide you with further updates once confirmed.

In the meantime, while delivering first aid training during these latest lockdown restrictions, please refer to Safety Training Awards first aid training guidance to ensure infection prevention and control measures are put in place in order to reduce the risk within your training setting.

*Schools and early-years settings, i.e. nurseries which are currently open and come under the guidance of the Department of Education would also have the same requirements in order to fulfil their health and safety obligations.