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FINAL REMINDER – Mandatory IQA Update

Posted on 30th January 2023

Further to notifications sent on 11th November and earlier this month, Safety Training Awards (STA) would like to remind all current IQA’s of the requirement to complete the new online Internal Quality Assurance CPD by tomorrow (31st January) in order to continue to within their role as IQA for STA. IQAs who have not completed the CPD by the 31st January 2023 will no longer be able to continue with the IQA role within an STA Approved Training Centre.

The in-depth online programme covers what internal quality assurance is, the role of an IQA, different types of quality assurance activities and how these are conducted. There is also a practical tips section including, what to look for during an observation, how to complete the paperwork as well as what to do should something arises during quality assurance activities to educate and prepare IQAs in their role.

The online programme is free of charge and upon successful completion, 1 CPD point will be awarded which can be used as evidence for standardisation and continual professional development.

All current IQAs must complete this online programme by 31st January 2023 to continue within their role as IQA for STA.

To further support IQAs and STA Approved Training Centres, STA have updated the Internal Quality Assurance Guidance for IQAs and ATCs, version 22.3, which now includes expected standards of paperwork and required actions should these standards not be meet. Specific qualification Internal Quality Assurance Checklists have also been created to help IQAs ensure they have all the evidence they require to determine whether qualification certificates can be released or not. These checklists and the updated guidance document can be found within STA Online.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.