Please click on the videos below to see our EQA, Russell Sparks, talk through step by step on how to perform a variety of quality assurance tasks directly from your ATC synergy account.
These are deliberately short and clipped files to introduce you to some of the functionality of the IQA performance reports as well as to introduce some important ideas for your ATC to develop and implement as it continues to grow.
Brief Introduction – Why IQA
A simple overview of these videos and explanation of the Internal Quality Assurance process.
How to Plan IQA Activity
This video walks through the IQA strategy, risk rating sampling plan and the process of devising a robust quality assurance function within the ATC.
Tutor / Assessor Observations
The IQA performance reports simplify the recording of face to face observations. This video covers how to complete the observation sections.
Desk Based Sampling
An explanation of how to complete desk based sampling reports using the IQA performance report.
Learner Interview Records
Feedback from learners is an essential element of the quality assurance process, this video shows how to use synergy to document the feedback.
Internal Standardisation
A brief overview of how to complete standardisation activities.
Completing Forms on Synergy
A review of the reasonable adjustments and special considerations form in your synergy platform.