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STA First Aid Courses to Implement 2015 Resuscitation Guidelines

Posted on 21st March 2016

From 1st June 2016, all STA First Aid courses will implement the 2015 Resuscitation Guidelines.

The changes to STA courses are summarised below.

Shout for Help

  • This step has been removed from the Adult Basic Life Support Algorithm. There is no longer a need to focus on this step, place emphasis on:
    • The use of 112
    • Mobile phones being used on loud speaker
    • Ensuring an ambulance and AED have been called for.

Treatment of Bleeding

  • The general treatment for bleeding is now SEPD, which stands for:
    • Sit or Lay
    • Examine
    • Pressure
    • Dress

Catastrophic Bleeding

  • The primary survey is altered slightly where catastrophic bleeding is present, the primary survey then becomes CABC:
    • Catastrophic Bleeding
    • Airway
    • Breathing
    • Circulation
  • Tourniquets and haemostatic dressings need only be taught for remote locations where emergency medical services are a significant distance away, or in high-risk industries where life-threatening bleeding is a potential risk.

Sucking Chest Wound

  • The treatment for such a wound is to leave it open rather than sealing on three sides. This is due to the fact that most dressings inadvertently stop airflow (become occlusive).


  • The treatment of low blood sugar now includes guidance on how much glucose to administer to casualties. See below.


Dosage to administer
15-20g glucose to a conscious casualty
Recommended sources
  • 150ml Lucozade original
  • 200ml pure fruit juice
  • 200ml fizzy drink (not diet)
  • 4 jelly babies
  • 20 skittles


Dosage to administer
10g glucose to a conscious casualty
Recommended sources
  • 75ml Lucozade original
  • 100ml pure fruit juice
  • 100ml fizzy drink (not diet)
  • 2 jelly babies
  • 10 skittles

The amended course presentations will be available to download from the resources section of STA Online, with the updated manuals available through the STA Swim-Shop. Update sheets, containing these changes are also available to download from the resources section on STA Online.

If you have any queries regarding the new resources please do not hesitate to contact us.