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Course Pre-Requisites

Posted on 15th February 2017

STA would like to remind all course organisers, tutors and examiners that candidates attending STA aquatics courses have 12 months from the course’s end date to provide evidence of completion of the pre-requisites. It is the responsibility of the course organiser to ensure that all course pre-requisites are completed before a course commences; if any pre-requisites are still outstanding for a candidate after this 12 month period, they will be unable to gain their certificate and must attend another course of instruction.

Additionally, all STA courses hold a minimum age pre-requisite, meaning that candidates must be of a certain age before they can attend a course. If a candidate does not meet this minimum age requirement, they are not permitted to attend the course. If a candidate attends a course and they do not meet the minimum age requirement, they will not be certificated.

These stipulations are in place to maintain qualification standards and to ensure that regulations laid out by awarding organisation regulators are followed. These are requirements of all STA courses, and must be adhered to by all course organisers, tutors and examiners.

If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.