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Retaining Course Documentation and Learner Assessment Evidence for Quality Assurance Purposes

Posted on 5th February 2018

To ensure high standards STA must uphold a robust quality assurance model. In order for us to maintain this system we require all course organisers, tutors and assessors to retain STA course documentation and learner assessment evidence for the lifetime of the qualification that has been completed. This will allow quality assurance monitoring activities to be conducted and verified with as little disruption as possible.

We also require course organisers, tutors and assessors to retain copies of all tutor/assessor qualifications when they are actively delivering and assessing STA qualifications.

These changes will be implemented with immediate effect.

You must retain the following course documentation:

  • STA pre-course application and post-course feedback forms
  • Course attendance/assessment records
  • Copies of risk assessments (for health and safety purposes)

The following assessment evidence must be retained:

  • Learner portfolios
  • Practical marking sheets
  • Worksheets
  • Tutor assessed skill sheets

The above evidence must be retained for all STA qualifications. Please see the tables below for further guidance on the minimum retention period. It is at your own discretion how long you wish to retain the documentation after the minimum required period detailed below.

Swimming Teaching Courses
Course Retention Period
STA Award in Swimming Teaching 5 years
(No expiry; retain for the maximum period)
STA Certificate in Swimming Teaching 5 years
(No expiry; retain for the maximum period)
Baby and Pre-School Award 5 years
(No expiry; retain for the maximum period)
Baby and Pre-School Diploma 5 years
(No expiry; retain for the maximum period)
People with Disabilities 5 years
(No expiry; retain for the maximum period)
Aquatic Tutor Status 3 years
Lifesaving Courses
Course Retention Period
Pool Lifeguard 2 years
Safety Award for Teachers 2 years
Pool Emergency Responder 2 years
Open Water Safety 3 years
Lifesaving Tutor Status 3 years
First Aid Courses
Course Retention Period
First Aid at Work 3 years
Emergency First Aid at Work 3 years
Paediatric First Aid Award 3 years
Emergency Paediatric First Aid Award 3 years
CPR and AED 2 years
CPR and Anaphylaxis 2 years
First Aid Tutor Status 3 years
Pool Plant Courses
Course Retention Period
Pool Plant Operations 5 years
Swimming Pool Water Treatment 5 years
Swimming Pool Water Testing 5 years
Pool Plant Tutor Status 3 years
Health & Safety Courses
Course Retention Period
Fire Marshall 3 years
Safe Moving and Handling 3 years
Fire Safety Tutor Status 3 years
Manual Handling Tutor Status 3 years

Course documentation and assessment evidence can be stored either in hard copy form or electronically. How you choose to retain the information is entirely your choice.

As you will be retaining personal information on individuals, you should refer to the Information Commissioner’s Office , Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for further guidance.

Please be aware that the above requirements are subject to change, dependent upon current legislation. STA will monitor and review these procedures and reserves the right to update them at any time.

In support of this change, we have also produced a new data protection policy which governs how we must collect and use our information fairly, store it securely and not unlawfully disclose to any other person.