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Changes to the Marking of Multiple Choice Question Papers

Posted on 1st March 2018

In order to make our current assessment process more robust with regards to the marking of the multiple choice question papers (MCQs) for aquatic qualifications and the Pool Lifeguard qualification, Safety Training Awards now requires the assessor to take the answer paper with them to the assessment.

The answer paper will be sent directly to the assessor who has been registered against the course. It is vitally important that if there is a change in assessor, Safety Training Awards is notified in writing via email as soon as possible to ensure the documentation is sent to the correct person.

The MCQ will still be sent to the course organiser/tutor, and the assessment can start prior to the assessor arriving. They will still be sent in a sealed brown envelope and must be opened in front of the learners, with the tutor and a learner signing to say they have witnessed the opening of the envelope. Once the assessor arrives, they will provide the tutor with the answer paper who will then mark the MCQ whilst the assessor is performing the practical assessment.

Once the practical assessment is complete, the assessor will second mark the MCQs (adding approximately 10–15 minutes to the assessment time).

The assessor must check the learners’ portfolios to make sure all learners have answered the questions correctly and that the tutor has marked them.

There is an additional box on the MCQs that requires the assessor’s signature; this now means that the learner, the tutor and the assessor must all sign the documentation.

This change will come into effect from Monday 5th March 2018 in line with our regulatory requirements set by our government regulators.

If you have any questions regarding this change, please feel to get in touch with us.