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Changes to Learner Portfolio Distribution

Posted on 5th April 2018

The process for distributing learner portfolios for Safety Training Awards courses is changing following a review of the existing procedures. As learner portfolios contain worksheets and course documentation which are part of the qualification assessment, they should not be given to a learner prior to the course commencing or to people who are not registered against a course.

Therefore, from 12th April 2018, only resource manuals will be available from the STA Swim-Shop, with learner portfolios now being sent directly to the centre upon course registration.

This means that when a centre registers a course they will need to purchase the corresponding resource manual from the STA Swim-Shop as normal, and they will not need to worry about the learner portfolio as this will be sent directly from STA to the centre.

E-manuals will still be available for learners and, where applicable, an editable version of the portfolio will now be in the tutor resources section of STA Online for tutors to distribute to learners where this is required.

A copy of the learner portfolio must be kept by the centre as evidence—this can be an electronic copy or a scanned copy once all documents, worksheets and forms have been completed and signed.

All manuals and portfolios currently held by tutors/centres are still valid and in-date. This new procedure will come into effect for any newly registered courses or manual purchases from 12th April 2018.