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STA Online and the ATC Model

Posted on 23rd July 2018

As you will be aware, Safety Training Awards is moving to an approved training centre (ATC) model which requires everyone who wishes to organise, deliver and assess Safety Training Awards qualifications to become part of an an ATC by 1st August 2018.

As with most changes, this affects internal and external systems to support and accommodate the new processes moving forward, so we want to provide an update on some upcoming changes to STA Online as part of the move to the ATC model.

Updates to STA Online

Starting in August, you will begin to see revised features throughout STA Online to facilitate the approved training centre model.

Firstly, on 1st August 2018 any individuals who are not part of an ATC as either the centre co-ordinator (the main point of contact within the approved training centre responsible for day-to-day centre activity) or as an administrator (a named person responsible for the administration of courses) will no longer see the ‘Register a Course’ button within their STA Online account, and will not be able to register new courses. These individuals will still be able to continue to administrate courses registered before this date through ‘My Courses’ as normal without any interruption.

Individuals registered as a centre co-ordinator or administrator for one or more ATCs will see changes with the course builder/registration area and results submission functionalities:

  • Administrators will now have the ability to register and administrate courses for multiple ATCs
  • Fields in the course builder for entering the course venue (now the ‘site’), qualification being delivered, and course tutors/examiners (now ‘assessors’) will no longer show as free text entry/selection fields—they will instead show only specific options to select from, as per the information approved during the ATC application process
  • Pre-requisite checking during results submission will no longer be undertaken by Safety Training Awards before certification takes place; administrators are now required to confirm that all pre-requisites have been met during results submission
  • The ability to withhold qualification certificates has now been removed due to regulatory requirements—learners will immediately receive their qualification certificate upon results submission
  • All functionality for STA’s moderation of tutors and assessors will be removed following the withdrawal of the moderation process and introduction of internal quality assurance activities
  • STA’s Find a Tutor search facility resource will be updated to better reflect the new structure.

Introducing Synergy

STA Online will continue to be utilised as a registration and certification system for Safety Training Awards courses and qualifications—however Safety Training Awards will be introducing a new system named Synergy, which will provide ATC personnel with essential functionality to support the management of their approved training centre and its quality assurance activities.

STA is significantly investing in its internal and external systems to benefit its customers. As always, STA Online will be continually developed and improved based on the feedback received from you in an effort the make the system the best it can be—if you have any feedback or ideas please contact us.

Further details on the information above will be available in due course. And don’t forget to submit your ATC application as soon as possible if you haven’t already; the 1st August 2018 deadline is fast approaching!