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Updated Pool Plant Operations Qualification Set to Launch

Posted on 30th November 2019

Following feedback, industry consultation and over a year of development with educational assessment experts, Safety Training Awards is set to re-launch the STA Level 3 Award in Pool Plant Operations next month. The updated qualification comes with an all-new, learner-friendly examination assessment, which uniquely can also be taken online with remote invigilation, and a colourful new book-bound resource manual.

Leading this educational development has been Luke Griffiths, Qualification Development Manager for Pool Plant, who says:

As part of our commitment to ensuring the pool plant operations qualification continues to meet the needs of the industry, employers and learners’, we have spent the last 12+ months consulting with learners, tutors and ATCs, along with education assessment experts to create an objective style examination that standardises the end-assessment, and improves transparency, validity and reliability.

“We have also developed the option of online multiple-choice assessment for ATCs delivering this qualification,” said Luke. “This provides a unique selling point for ATCs, because it gives learners the option to complete the assessment on a computer or tablet. The remote invigilation option available for revalidations, also gives learners the flexibility to complete the assessment at times to suit them during a working week. The results will be processed automatically too (so there is no marking required) and submitted to learners within 48 hours.”

Luke confirms it is a robust assessment, unique to the pool plant operations qualification, and the feedback from the extensive pilot programme received many positive comments from both tutors and learners.

In support of the launch, which will become mandatory for all pool plant operations courses delivered from 1st January 2020, the updated qualification also comes with a new high-quality book-bound printed teaching manual.

Luke says: “The new manual, in its new professional book-bound format, truly reflects the quality of our pool plant operations qualification. It features vibrant new images, an easy-to-follow chapter layout, as well as technical amendments and rewording to make it even more learner-friendly.”

For Tutors, an updated assessment strategy, revision portfolio worksheets, mock multiple-choice assessment papers and a new Tutors PowerPoint containing several new videos will also be available to download from the STA Online pool plant section in December 2019.

To find out more about the new Level 3 Award, which is the only qualification that currently meets the Pool Plant Operative Professional Standard and has received professional endorsement from CIMSPA, please click here.