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Qualification Resource Updates: First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid

Posted on 30th March 2020

Following a review by Safety Training Awards, the STA’s First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid qualification resources have been updated.

The following resources have been rebranded and updated:
  • Learner portfolios
  • Learner answer portfolios
  • Suggested timetables
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Qualification specifications
  • Assessment strategy
  • Tutor assessed skills sheet.

The updated and rebranded resources can be downloaded from STA Online now, allowing Approved Training Centre staff to familiarise themselves with the changes. The updated portfolios will be sent out from today. The new resources must used from Monday 13th April 2020. The qualification resource manuals for the qualifications remain unaffected by these changes.

As part of this update, STA reviewed the questions within the learner portfolio and have removed any questions which form part of the practical assessment. Tutors will see a reduced number of questions within the unit worksheet due to this change.

To reduce the amount of paperwork needed to be kept by the Approved Training Centre and to stop duplicate work, STA have removed the practical assessment log from each learner portfolio. To evidence learners’ competency in the practical assessment, tutors will need to complete 1 tutor assessed skills sheet. This sheet lists all the practical assessment criteria, with learners’ names all on one sheet, and only needs to be signed by the tutor.

The learner portfolio has also been restructured so the unit worksheet/s can be removed with learner’s details on it, meaning the learner can retain the rest of their portfolio, again reducing the amount of paperwork retained by the Approved Training Centre.

Safety Training Awards would like to remind Approved Training Centres that the worksheets within the learner portfolios must be completed individually by the learner and under exam conditions. Further guidance on the assessment process can be found in the Qualification Assessment Strategy.

Penetrating Chest Injury / Sucking Chest Wound Treatment:

The treatment for a penetrating chest injury / sucking chest wound has changed.

Expert opinion recommends leaving the wound open and NOT covering it with an airtight dressing or a dressing ‘taped on three sides’. This is because many dressings unintentionally become obstructive. First aiders should leave the wound open to fresh air, so not covering the wound with a dressing but apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding without blocking the hole.

For further details on how to perform this procedure, please see the Penetrating Chest Injury / Sucking Chest Wound Treatment Guidance.

If you have any questions regarding these requirements or would like to deliver these qualifications, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.