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Plans For a Return to First Aid Training

Posted on 22nd May 2020

In follow up to STA’s communication last week, in regards to the First Aid Quality Partnership discussing ideas around the phased return to first aid training, two follow-up statements have been released:

First Aid Quality Partnership – Delivery of face-to-face first aid training update

Their statement (21st May) confirms that they are committed to ensuring that face-to-face first aid training resumes in a way that is safe for our employees, providers and students. As a result, the Partnership agree that now is NOT the time for face-to-face training to resume unless absolutely essential such as provision of training to key workers.

They conclude by saying that they intend to provide an industry update based upon the anticipated announcement from the UK government in relation to the indicative changes in lockdown conditions in England (and any variations in the devolved administrations) from the 1st June, at which point they will set out their position for the safe return to training in line with the prevailing government advice.

Read FAQP Covid Industry Statement

First Aid Awarding Organisation Forum – First aid training update

FAAOF in their statement (21st May) recommended that first aid training (other than absolutely essential first aid training) should NOT restart until after the government has changed the COVID-19 alert status to Level 3.

They state that training must only take place where this is permissible, in accordance with the UK Government and devolved administrations or regional restrictions.

Read FAAOF Training Guidance


Claire Brisbourne, Director of Safety Training Awards says:

As a member of FAAOF, we will be following and adhering to all these recommendations, and in due course will be creating guidance to assist First Aid Trainers in meeting these requirements. We will also continue to monitor the guidance and provide further updates once announced.