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MCQ Assessment Marking Procedures

Posted on 23rd November 2022

Safety Training Awards (STA) would like to reiterate to ATCs, tutors, assessors and internal quality assurers, the MCQ assessment marking procedures.

It is an ATCs responsibility to ensure all procedures are followed and the assessment is undertaken in accordance with the assessment strategy and procedures stated within the Multiple-Choice Question Assessment Paper Guidance. Once a learner has completed the MCQ assessment and handed in the learner answer sheet for marking, they are not permitted to make any changes or amendments.

If a learner has put an ‘x’ in two boxes without shading one out, this must be marked incorrect, they cannot go back and change this once it has been handed in. If a learner fails by one mark, the tutor or second marker or assessor cannot go back and verbally ask them the questions, unfortunately the learner has failed. The majority of Safety Training Awards qualifications are license to practice competency-based qualifications, along with the Approved Training Centre, STA have to ensure the competent minimum standard has been met in order to certificate a learner. The pass marks are set accordingly and if a learner does not achieve this mark, they have not met the standard required to pass. Tutors, assessors and quality assurers must ensure all assessment procedures within the guidance and assessments strategies are followed to ensure when a qualification certificate is issued, the learner has the skills and knowledge and has met that competent standard.

Tutors / invigilators for an assessment are able to read a word / question to a learner however due to the nature of the qualifications, they must not explain the word. Learners are required to understand technical terminology. This must take place during the assessment within the designated timeframe not post assessment. If English is not a learner’s first language tutors should ensure the learner is supported and prepared for the assessment however, they are not permitted to translate questions or technical words. Before an assessment commences, tutors must ensure learners are prepared for the assessment via the MCQ slides at the end of the PowerPoint and or sample papers where applicable. Tutors must also make sure they go through the important information stated on the front of the learner answer sheet before the assessment starts.

If there is a problem with the assessment papers or an issue arises, STA must be contacted immediately for advice and guidance. If the assessment is out of office hours, the out of office emergency number must be used. If a leaner does not achieve the required pass mark:

  • A Unit Failure Report Form should be completed
  • A retake should be registered and completed within the required timeframe specified in the qualification assessment strategy
  • Upon completion of the retake, all retake materials should be returned to STA and securely destroy or return any MCQ papers to STA – do not retain
  • Under no circumstances should a tutor / assessor / second marker / ATC co-ordinator / any other individual change, or advise the learner to change an answer once the MCQ has been completed
  • If a learner has not achieved the required pass mark, no matter by how many, they have unfortunately not been deemed competent.

If the procedures are not followed or confidentiality of assessment materials are not maintained, STA will void the assessment. It will not be a valid assessment and sanctions will be applied to the ATC and or tutor as necessary. Please refer to STA Multiple-Choice Question Assessment Paper Guidance v19.1 for further information.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please do not hesitate to contact us.