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Further Quality Assurance Webinars

Posted on 12th April 2023

Due to the success of the recent conflict of interest Q&A webinar and the positive feedback we received, the Quality Assurance Team have allocated some time to hold additional sessions with our members. We will be holding sessions on specific topics and have also included some informal coffee and chat drop in sessions for a general catch up with our EQAs.

The sessions will be held on:

Wednesday 26th April 12:30-13:00
Guidance on ATC Actions and the importance of completing them to maintain high standards

Delivered by: Maria Timperley and Anne-Marie Harriman
The team have arranged this session for ATCs to discuss the importance of completing actions that have been set following EQA monitoring activities. This will also provide guidance and best practice for ATCs when reviewing and completing their actions (this session will be recorded for those who are unable to attend).

Wednesday 24th May 12:30-13:00
Guidance on IQA requirements and expectations

Delivered by: Maria Timperley and Anne-Marie Harriman
This session is an opportunity for ATCs to ask questions about the IQA requirements and expectations and to seek guidance on how to imbed effective IQA procedures (this session will be recorded for those who are unable to attend).

Thursday 29th June 12:30-13:00
ATC Drop in Coffee & Chat Session

Delivered by: Anne-Marie Harriman
Join one of our EQAs for a coffee and a chat, allowing you to discuss any general topics or to get the answers you need to a specific area (this is an informal session, therefore it will not be recorded).

Thursday 27th July 12:30-13:00
Guidance on how to complete and submit the ATC Annual Declaration of Compliance

Delivered by: Maria Timperley and Anne-Marie Harriman
Each year ATCs are expected to review their internal operations to declare their current level of compliance with STA ATC requirements. This is an opportunity for ATCs to ask any questions they may have and to discuss best practice recommendations (this session will be recorded for those who are unable to attend).

Tuesday 22nd August 12:30-13:00
ATC Drop in Coffee & Chat Session

Delivered by: Maria Timperley
Join one of our EQAs for a coffee and a chat, allowing you to discuss any general topics or to get the answers you need to a specific area (this is an informal session, therefore it will not be recorded).

Please feel free to drop in on any of the sessions to ask questions, however big or small or just for a general catch up. We will look forward to seeing you all soon, for any further assistance, please feel free to contact us.