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2024 Webinars and Key Dates for ATCs, Tutors / Assessors and IQA’s!

Posted on 27th November 2023

To further support ATCs, Tutors / Assessors and IQAs, STA are excited to release the EQA Coffee and Chat, IQA standardisation sessions, Tutor standardisation sessions and technical webinars for 2024.

EQA Coffee and Chats

The informal drop-in sessions offer an opportunity for a general catch up with our EQAs and other ATCs, sharing ideas and thoughts as well as ask any questions. These sessions are not recorded.

  • 9th January
  • 01:00pm
  • 12th February
  • 07:00pm
  • 14th March
  • 01:00pm
  • 18th April
  • 01:00pm
  • 10th May
  • 01:00pm
  • 11th June
  • 07:00pm

IQA Standardisation Sessions

To support IQAs in understanding STA’s quality assurance requirements and to help them with their personal development in the role, STA are delivering 6 x bi monthly webinars. Each 1 hour session will be recorded and available on STA Online.

The basics of IQA: Why IQA’s are so important to an ATC

The importance of the IQA policy, the sampling plan and how to evaluate risk ratings

Why standardisation meetings and team meetings are not the same

Preparing for the EQA visit

CASS: The framework and the responsibilities that sit within this and why

How to recover from sanctions: The role of the IQA

Tutor / Assessor Standardisation Sessions

STA are delivering 6 x bi monthly webinars designed to upskill tutors / assessors across all disciplines to ensure STA standards are maintained, support tutors with their delivering and assessors with assessment standards. Each 1 hour session will be recorded and available on STA Online.

Specific Technical Webinars

These sessions focus on a specific area and are appropriate for ATCs co-ordinators, tutors, assessors and IQAs. Each session will be recorded and available on STA Online.

What is AI and How Does it Impact Assessments

Conflict of interest – What is a conflict and why are they important?

STA Award in Teaching Swimming – Work Product Requirements and Standards

Supporting Probationary Tutors through Probationary Requirements

Using Cirrus for Online MCQ Assessments

What are Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration and What can an ATC apply

ATC Declaration of Compliance

AI Best Practice and How to Identify AI Usage

Conflict of interest – How to record and manage conflicts of interest within the ATC

Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration – Recording and Managing Reasonable Adjustment and Special Considerations

Key Dates

Key Dates 2024

To book onto any of the webinars or for more information please click here.