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STA Award in Teaching Swimming Resource Manual Update

Posted on 29th May 2024

Following feedback, STA has made an amendment to the STA Award in Teaching Swimming Resource Manual.

As announced during the STA Award in Teaching Swimming – Work Product Requirements and Standards webinar on 11th April, which can be view via STA Online, sitting dives have been removed from the STA Award in Teaching Swimming Resource Manual.

Sitting dives were introduced within the resource manual to provide learners with additional information on understanding where shallow water diving skills lead to.

However, as sitting dives are not assessed within the STA Award in Teaching Swimming qualification, to avoid confusion we have removed these pages from the resource manual. This means only the skills and strokes learners are qualified to teach are includes within the resource manual.

The updated manual (v23.2) is available now within the STA Swim Shop in e-manual or hard copy format.

The STA Award in Teaching Swimming PowerPoint presentation has been updated to reflect the page number reference changes. No other information within the manual has been changed.

Please note, the current STA Award in Teaching Swimming resource manual can still be used as no other changes have been made.

The STA Award in Teaching Swimming qualification units, assessment criteria and resources are unaffected by this change.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please do not hesitate to contact us.