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Approved Training Centres

Changes to the Marking of Multiple Choice Question Papers

Posted on 1st March 2018

In order to make our current assessment process more robust with regards to the marking of the multiple choice question papers (MCQs) for aquatic qualifications and the Pool Lifeguard qualification, Safety Training Awards now requires the assessor to take the answer paper with them to the assessment. The answer paper will be sent directly to…

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STA Quality Assurance Procedure Update

Posted on 19th January 2018

Update: 1st February 2018 Following on from the communication sent 19th January 2018 regarding changes to STA’s quality assurance model and moderation procedures (available below), STA would like to issue an addendum to the incoming changes. STA has made the decision to extend the original deadline date of 12th Feburary 2018 for which course organisers…

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Changes to Course Candidate Application and Feedback Processes

Posted on 25th August 2017

Following a review of the way we collect and utilise feedback from our courses, we have made some changes to the candidate course application and evaluation processes. The reasons for implementing these changes are: To ensure that the qualifications we offer meet the needs of learners who are taking them To enable us to ensure…

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Membership Fees for Overseas Tutors and Examiners

Posted on 1st June 2017

Further to the technical notice sent 4th April 2017 regarding membership for candidates on overseas courses, STA would like to clarify the position of overseas membership fees for those members who hold STA tutor and/or examiner status. The £10 overseas membership fee is applicable to candidates attending overseas courses and additionally to STA tutors/examiners operating…

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Membership for Candidates on Overseas Courses

Posted on 4th April 2017

Following a recent review into qualification standards by STA, it has been determined that in order to meet all necessary requirements set by Ofqual for the delivery of our qualifications, the pre-requisites must remain consistent between courses organised within the UK and those organised overseas. Therefore, in the case of STA courses being organised overseas,…

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Free Update Session for All Tutors in Northern Ireland

Posted on 15th February 2017

STA would like to invite tutors in Northern Ireland to participate in a free annual face-to-face meeting and update session. We’re keen to ensure that all STA tutors have the opportunity to attend, and in order to accommodate this we will be holding the session twice. There’s a maximum of 20 spaces available per session,…

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Course Pre-Requisites

Posted on 15th February 2017

STA would like to remind all course organisers, tutors and examiners that candidates attending STA aquatics courses have 12 months from the course’s end date to provide evidence of completion of the pre-requisites. It is the responsibility of the course organiser to ensure that all course pre-requisites are completed before a course commences; if any…

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Changes to Candidate Pre-Requisite Notifications for STA Courses

Posted on 17th June 2016

STA will no longer be notifying candidates on STA courses by post or email about any outstanding pre-requisites they have for qualifications. Please note that it is the course organiser’s responsibility to ensure that candidates attending STA courses hold all necessary pre-requisites before the course begins. Candidates contacting STA regarding the status of their certificate…

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Changes to the Moderation of STA Tutors

Posted on 25th January 2016

With effect from 1st February 2016, STA will authorise the process of moderating of all tutors and examiners. All STA Tutors are required by the STA to be moderated every 3 years both when tutoring and examining a course. In addition, HSE recommend tutors of First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work…

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