
Here you can view all of the policies of Safety Training Awards.

If you have any questions about our policies and procedures please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Complaints Policy

We take every care to ensure we are delivering a high standard of service but are aware that there may be occasions that we do not meet both yours and our expectations, in this instance please raise your concerns with us immediately so we can address them, respond positively, and rectify any mistakes made.

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Recording of EQA Visits and Meetings

It is the policy of Safety Training Awards that appropriate measures are taken to ensure that all video recordings of EQA visits is undertaken in compliance of the legal requirements under the Data Protection Act 2018 and related regulations regarding data or personal privacy.

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Conflict of Interest Policy

This policy outlines Safety Training Awards’ intention to identify and monitor all potential or actual conflicts of interest that may affect the delivery and/or assessment of our qualifications now or in the foreseeable future; it has also been designed to support our centres to identify potential or actual cases of conflict of interest and how to appropriately manage them.

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Customer Service Statement

Our customer service statement which outlines how we are committed to an efficient, responsive, and supportive service for all our customers and wherever possible to exceed customer expectations.

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Endorsement Policy

Safety Training Awards’ policy allows centres/organisations to submit seminars, workshops, conferences or industry training for endorsement. This recognition gives credibility and value to the product being offered, and reassurance to people undertaking them that they are being provided with a beneficial, industry relevant product.

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Enquiries and Appeals Policy

It is our aim to ensure that all assessment outcomes are fair, consistent, and reliable based on the valid judgements of the assessor using the assessment strategy for the qualification in question. However, occasions may arise where the training provider or learner may wish to question a decision.

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Equal Opportunities Policy

Safety Training Awards is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all. Ensuring that the qualifications we offer are inclusive and accessible to learners. We believe that all centres/providers, tutors/assessors, members and learners have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.

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International External Quality Assurance Policy

Guidance for international approved training centres on how they will be externally quality assured to ensure that they are able to continually meet their approval criteria and that effective quality assurance procedures are in place.

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Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

Safety Training Awards’ policy for working closely with our centres, learners, tutors, assessors and quality assurers to ensure that any potential malpractice or maladministration is identified and investigated promptly.

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Privacy Policy

The privacy policy for The Swimming Teachers’ Association, which includes Safety Training Awards.

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Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy

Our policy to facilitate open access for all learners who are eligible for reasonable adjustments or special considerations in relation to the delivery and assessment of our qualifications, and how we will deal with requests in a fair and consistent manner.

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Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedures

Safety Training Awards’ policies and procedures for assessment requirements of knowledge, understanding or skills learners may already possess and do not need to develop through a course of learning.

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Sanctions Policy

Explains the sanctions Safety Training Awards may impose on centres where they fail to meet aspects of the delivery and assessment criteria, the requirements set out in the centre agreement, failure to adhere to policies and procedures and/or the standards set out by our regulatory authorities.

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Teaching of Diving on Swimming Teaching Courses

Guidelines for pool facilities and teaching poolside diving to learners on swimming teaching courses.

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Use of Languages for Regulated Qualifications Policy

Information on how to address language differences in other countries for the delivery of Safety Training Awards regulated qualifications.

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Whistleblowing Policy

Safety Training Awards’ whistleblowing and confidentiality procedures for when an individual discloses information relating to malpractice or wrongdoing or covering up any malpractice or wrongdoing.

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