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Safe Moving and Handling

The Safe Moving and Handling qualification is designed for people who perform manual handling tasks as part of their daily job role, and meets the legal requirements placed on employers to provide adequate manual handling training to their employees.

The course provides learners with a wide range of manual handling skills and knowledge to be able to use within the workplace, including: principles of safe lifting, principles of manual handling risk assessments, types of lifting equipment, and testing requirements.

How Will the Qualification Benefit You?

  • Created by STA’s health and safety experts, providing you with quality training
  • Regulated by Ofqual and Qualifications Wales
  • Will give employees and employers the peace of mind that adequate training has been given.

When You Get Your Qualification

  • It lasts for 3 years
  • Your course manual will act as a guide throughout the duration of your qualification, so it’s always there to refer back to should you ever need it.

How to Take Your Qualification Further

As somebody who undertakes manual handling duties in your workplace, it may be useful to prepare yourself for any potential first aid incidents that might occur; why not look at our first aid courses to broaden your skill set?

Interested? Before You Get Started…

You’ll need to make sure you’ve met the following requirements before you attend your course:

  • Be at least 16 years of age
  • Be physically capable of full participation in all aspects of the course